The only thing I'm guilty of is poor judgement.

I enjoy the casual nature of things.

Hank: Sensible and trusting, that's me in a nutshell.
Abby: How high are you right now?
Hank: Significantly.

Well, you should've called. I wouldn't have answered, but you coulda left a message, which I would've quickly erased.

Hank: So fucking mature that I want to punch myself in the dick.
Karen: Do it!

Hank Moody: 'B' to the 'I' to the double 'L'. What's up, my nig nog?
Bill Lewis: I need to talk to you.
Hank Moody: Well, you should have called. I wouldn't have answered, but you could've left a message, which I would have quickly erased.

Karen: And the judge? Did you sleep with the judge too?
Hank: No, no, just a little oral and some anal. Its hard to get the robe up.

Abby: I think I'm actually seeing some of that Hank Moody mojo up close and personal.
Hank: Is my dong out?

Hank: This is frowned upon.
Jackie: Give me a break. You once spent an entire class ranting about how much you hate Coldplay. Something tells me you could care less about what's frowned upon.
Hank: Still one of my favorite lectures.

He's like you but awesome.


So you're suggesting I should dump this whole writer thing and reinvent myself as a Hollywood manwhore?

Hank: Hideous creatures these teenage girls.
Felicia: Monstrous, couldn't agree with you more.
Hank: Is it too late to drown them in the tub?

Californication Quotes

Try not to forget all the times I brought you to fruition. 33 to be exact.

Hank Moody

I love women. I have all their albums.

Hank Moody