Voight: What am I missing? Who would try to harm him? What?
Jones: Why do you think I know more than you? You should ask your own people. Police have been following him.

Voight: What do you know about Noah?
Jones: What do I know?
Voight: Yes! What do you know that's missing?

Chicago PD! I wouldn't do that.

Just got off the phone with Noah's parents. They said 'This is what happens when you live a life of son." Noah came out as gay a few months ago. They have no interest in getting updated on the case.

Voight: Hey, Kevin. Remember in training about multiple victims when you choose. Remember that?
Kevin: No, I don't remember.
Voight: Because it isn't there. We don't have it. Look, you save who you can save. You did good. Let it be done now.

No amount of dope is worth a life.

Torres: I can get under.
Voight: Tough play.
Torres. I know. But I know these guys. I am these guys. I can get under.

Kim, stop talking. You understand you cannot be wrong about this.

Voight: Whatever is going on in your head because you got shot--
Ruzek: I don't have PTSD. It's the job, I miss the job.

Voight: I was just about to call Adam.
Burgess: How bad is it?

Adam, if you stay there, the only thing you're doing is ending your career.

Hailey: I can't be a good cop if I'm angry. I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do. That's why you're here, right? Serious. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it. Anything. How do I fix it?
Voight: I don't know.

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
