IZZIE: "I'm serious. We're friends and it didn’t work when we tried to be more than that, so, as fun as it was, it’s not gonna happen again."
ALEX: "Stop looking at me."
IZZIE: "I'm not looking at you, I'm rounding."
ALEX: "I'm rounding too."
IZZIE: "Fine."
ALEX: "Fine."

MEREDITH: "Ow. Ow. Ow."
IZZIE: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "I'm inserting my banana bag. It sounds vaguely dirty, but it's not."

"She wanted to see her friend. What was he supposed to do, tackle her?"

IZZIE: "I laugh at funerals."
ALEX: "I don’t go to funerals... Izzie, Iz--"
IZZIE: "I was jealous, I was jealous of Meredith in the surgery and I was jealous and now... now who’s jealous, Alex?"

IZZIE: "Take off your pants."
ALEX: "Izzie, what are you doing?"
IZZIE: "I'm being a doer. Getting while the getting's good. Now take off your pants."
ALEX: "You realize when I said the apocalypse before, I meant it metaphorically, not literally."
IZZIE: "Alex, I haven't had sex in eight months and 12 days. I'm horny, I'm half-naked, and I'm saying yes. Do you want to stand there and talk metaphors, or do you want to literally take off your pants?"

IZZIE: "Alex."
ALEX: "How crazy is this? Dude, it's like the Apocalypse."
IZZIE: "Alex."
ALEX: "It's true. Look around you. Half the people who're supposed to be saving lives have fled the building to save themselves. Bailey's husband almost died coming to see his kid getting born. The annoying twins are down on the OR floor with the guy who might literally explode their faces."
IZZIE: "Alex!"

IZZIE: "What's going on, is it something bad?"
ADDISON: "Yeah, it's something bad."

"Hello? George? It's me. Izzie. No, I don't have Bailey's husband's phone! I think I'd know if I had Bailey's husband's phone, George.... What's Bailey's husband's name?"

CRISTINA: "Which surgeon are we going to have to suck up to today?"
MIRANDA: "That would be me."
IZZIE: "Dr. Bailey?"

[to patient] "She can have more than a trailer park and a graveyard shift at a truck-stop diner. Don't you want that for her? I mean, if you can get past the fact that I'm superior, and that I'm judging you, and telling you what's best for your family... if you can just get past all of that, isn't it possible that I'm also right?"

OLIVIA: "Change your own bedpans, Stevens!"
IZZIE: "Yeah, well enjoy your syphilis, Olivia."

"Eating is a sport?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
