GEORGE: "I’m putting my foot down, either the dog moves out or I do. Foot, down, now. Me or the dog, which is it? [pauses] You hesitated! She hesitated!"
IZZIE: "You hesitated?"
MEREDITH: "I didn’t hesitate, I was thinking."
GEORGE: "You have to think about it? Fine, I’m moving out right now. Later, I’m moving out later. Right now, I have rounds."

DENNY: "Not good, is it?"
IZZIE: [pauses] "You've got time."
DENNY: "Liar."
IZZIE: "Fine. There's no time."
DENNY: "Now that’s just spiteful."

DENNY: "Can I ask you something personal?"
IZZIE: "If I say no?"
DENNY: "I'll hold my breath, which will stop my heart, killing me. You're right here, you'll be charged with murder. Life in prison, loved by a big old girl named Hildy."
IZZIE: "So my options are homicide charges or inappropriate personal questions from a patient."
DENNY: "I know, kind of sucks."

IZZIE: "You do glow."
ALEX: "Like the moon."
MIRANDA: "And you can spend the day in the pit, Karev."

IZZIE: [to Alex] "We're all pulling for you."
GEORGE: "We are?"

GEORGE: [running from dog] "Izzie! Incoming!"
IZZIE: "So I'm thinking of coloring my hair. Maybe red."
GEORGE: [out of breath] "Yeah? Red's good. Thinking about cutting mine."
IZZIE: "Oh yeah? It'd look good shorter."

CRISTINA: "Oh, what are we doing?"
IZZIE: "We are saving George from a future of festering sores and insanity."
CRISTINA: "Cute butt."
MEREDITH: "Told you."
IZZIE: "It is cute. Like a baby's."
GEORGE: "You know I've spent hours, days, years, imagining myself half naked in a room with three women? The reality is so much better."

ALEX: "Everybody’s got a secret. Just be glad yours is out in the open."
CRISTINA: "Oh yeah, Alex? What’s yours?"
ALEX: "Show me yours and I'll show you mine. I bet you've got some seriously kinky skeletons in your closet."
CRISTINA: "What’s in my closet is none of your business."
IZZIE: "Well, I don't have any secrets, my life is boring."
MEREDITH: "Everybody’s got something to hide."

CRISTINA: "Hey, Syph-boy!"
GEORGE: "You told her?"
IZZIE: "Just Cristina."
ALEX: [smirks] "Syph-boy. It's got a nice ring to it. Kind of like Super-boy, only diseased."

GEORGE: "Oh yeah? How am I gonna tell her? 'Hey Olivia, how are you? Oh, by the way, I got the syph. How about you?'"
IZZIE: "Well, maybe not quite like that."
GEORGE: "No, no! It’s good advice. Really good advice, thank you very much."

GEORGE: "What am I gonna do about Olivia?"
IZZIE: "Well, for starters, stop sleeping with her. Unless, you want that thing to fall off."
GEORGE: "That's twice that you trash talked the girl I could one day potentially lo- well, not love, but like a whole lot."
IZZIE: "If she gave it to you, you have to tell her."
GEORGE: "Three."
IZZIE: "Fine! She didn’t give it to you. She was a virgin when you met. You still have to tell her so she can get tested."

GEORGE: "You don’t know. Maybe I’ve been sleeping around. Maybe I got ladies."
IZZIE: [smirks]
GEORGE: "Shut up! What am I gonna do?"
IZZIE: "It’s no biggie. A couple doses of penicillin will knock it right out."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
