Jack: Finding your biological father could be a much better gift than jewelry.
Mel: I mean, you could do both.

Brie: You know what they say. Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to get back to.
Jack: Yeah, I think that's true. But it definitely feels more like home now that you're here.

Preacher: So I got some news; my guy found your father.
Mel: Wow, that was fast.
Jack: What was fast?
Mel: Um, we did it. We found my father.
Jack: That's amazing, where is he?
Preacher: Apparently, he is right here in Virgin River.

Jack: I know how hard it is. I know, believe me, I know, But Mel, we can keep going too. We can still have our dream, Mel. It may not look the same way we thought it would. It may not happen in the same time frame as we expected, but it can happen. Our children may not have your mother's eyes, but it doesn't mean they can't have her compassion or her cool taste in music. We can teach them that if it's still what you want.
Mel: Yeah, it still is. It's what I want.

Jack: Can we talk? I mean, you're the one who told me to open up to you, so don't push me away.
Mel: Honey, I'm not pushing you away.
Jack: You're running away. You're literally running away. Look, I get it. You're hurting, I'm hurting too, but you're not alone in this. I'm with you every step of the way.

Mel: Jack, I think I'm done.
Jack: Of what?
Mel: I can't try again.

Jack: It's funny. I didn't even know I wanted this .. to be a father, but you picture it, you now? Father-daughter dance, little league games, school plays. You see their little eyes looking at you. Preach, it's real hard to say goodbye to someone you never met.
Preach: She existed for you.
Jack: Yeah, she did. I even came up with names. It's just so unfair. When Charmaine took the twins away from me, I had someone I could be angry with; I could blame someone, but this?
Preach: You two will have a family one day. You focus on that.

Jack: What's wrong? Hey?
Mel: Hey. I'm so sorry.

If karma is coming to get her like she said last night, then karma can come pick her up. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to see that woman again.

Mel: Jack, what's in that direction?
Jack: that's Virgin River.

Jack: What is there to talk about? I'm not the father of the twins. End of story.
Mel: That's it?
Jack: Yeah, that's it.

Charmaine: Are you going to say anything, or?
Jack: How can you be so selfish?
Charmaine: All I can do, Jack, is apologize over and over.
Jack: That's not good enough.
Charmaine: I know! So go ahead, yell at me tell me what a terrible person I am.
Jack: That's not why I'm here. I'm just trying to understand. After everything I did for you and Mel too.

Virgin River Quotes

Doc: I don’t need spice. I want to walk down the street and be able to hold your hand.
Hope: Yeah, I hate all that “coupley” crap.

Whenever things got rough my instinct was to head home because that’s where I felt safe. But I realized that the idea of home doesn’t really exist for me anymore, because you were my home.

Mel [to Mark]