Glad you're back.

Stop facebooking my mom!

You're good at being a douche and that's just one step away from being cold and dead.

Alex: You think this kid makes you look good.
Jackson: I always look good.

Jackson: What do you think they are talking about?
Ben: My guess? Which one should take you to prom.

I know it might not be what you planned or how you planned it. But we can get married and have an awesome kid.

Sloan: No shame, no shame at all. You're still the goober.
Jackson: Gunther.

Jackson: I'm not going to give my mother the satisfaction.
Sloan: It's not your mother who you should be worried about satisfying.

Sloan: I want to be your teacher.
Avery: I want to be your student. Guess the plastics posse is back in action.

I'm picking Mark.

Jackson: You hurt my mom and I hurt you.
Webber: I won't hurt your mom, I like her.
Jackson: I dont like that you like her.
Webber: Man to man, you're just gonna have to deal with it. You don't want a piece of this. Not today.
Jackson: I'm watching you.
Webber: I hope you like the view.

It's Dr. Sloan's technique.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
