Pindi can't take an escalator alone.

Peter: I can't believe you play basketball.
Jared: I can't believe you get facials.

You can't put LuLu in the county pen. She's too pretty.

Hey, Pindi. I returned your iCarly box set. I put it right on your unitard, buddy.

No blowing before 8am. I don't necessarily agree with that.

Peter: For rock and roll.
Jared: I was going to say justice but OK, for rock and roll.

Judge murders rock & roll? It was justifiable homicide. I had to do it.

Peter: What do you want to do?
Jared: I want to kick his ass.

I enjoy disappointing you. I'm good at it.

He meant ice queen in a good way

Yeah, I gotta think you're not on his Christmas card list.

Franklin: I went on a vision quest and had sex for 12 straight hours on a mountain top on Joshua Tree once. I would have kept going but we were surrounded by coyotes.
Pindar: Is any of that true?
Franklin: I went to Joshua Tree once.

Franklin & Bash Quotes

See that's a talent, sounding like a total asshole even when you're supposedly saying something sincere.


"Sorry, sorry. Jean Claude Van Damme marathon last night. Unavoidable.
