Esposito: Behold Monster.
Castle: More like Cookie Monster.

Hey fanboy, let's go.

Ryan: What happens when worlds collide?
Esposito: Boom.

Castle: Is this is bad as it seems?
Esposito: Much, much worse.

That's like throwing gasoline on fireworks.

Shouldn't you be at home stuffing your wife's stocking?

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Ryan: Catholic school is like combat. If you haven't been there, then you don't know.
Esposito: I have been combat.

Ryan: We're interviewing a nun?
Esposito: Yeah. And I'm going to be the good cop and you're going to be the bad cop...

I told you I could sing!

Castle: You read music?
Esposito: What, just because I'm a cop means I can't sing?

Ryan: You're shirts really tight, did you change it?
Esposito: I spilled something.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
