You embarrassed me in front of all the other mothers! If you think you're going to Sizzler tonight Jenna, you've got another thing coming!

Kenneth: A Mr. Brett Fav-ray stopped by and dropped off this picture of a hot dog.
Jenna: Finally.

Kenneth: Oh and the Chilean miners are all out and they're very angry about what you've been saying about them.
Jenna: So I guess they're geniuses for getting stuck in a mine?

You're the real stars! Not really.

Jenna: President O'Bama, in your own words, why are you a terrorist that hates America?
Tracy: That's an excellent question...Uh oh, I'm doing something called "breaking" Blahahahaha. Snort. Heehee. Giggle giggle. The audience loves this!

Jack: Jenna, have you been drinking?
Jenna: No, Jack. Well I had a bottle of wine with dinner.

Jenna: Kenneth, take this card and get a cake for the crew.
Kenneth: Oh that's very thoughtful Ms. Maroney.
Jenna: Well one of the camera guys just had a baby, and I'm sick of hearing about it. This will put me back on top.

I need to see mine. If they used any of the footage from my shoplifting arrest, that would be great because my arms looked fantastic.

Kim Jong Il? I've never heard of her.

Dr. Drew called me un-fixable.

I swear to Kabbalah monster, those jeans are perfect. Look at your butt.

My exercise video is dropping soon. It's called "Jenna gets hard."