Cole: (to Sarah) After that it was eight, maybe nine guys until the door.
Chuck: (to Casey) Oh, come on! We're supposed to believe that he took out nine guys and escaped a Fulcrum holding facility all by himself? Please, I don't think we can trust this guy.
Casey: I've done nine before.
Chuck: You've taken out nine guys?
Casey: Just saying it's doable.

Casey: Where's the fish?
Jeff: Fish? What fish?
Casey: Okay we can do it the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is I shove his foot up your ass.
Jeff: What's the hard way?
Casey: I use my foot!

(about Cole) We don't have much time here, Walker. So get to his room, get his belt off. Make it a quickie.

Chuck: Hey, can we... can we get a little closer on this picture of Cole, maybe push in on his... groinal area?
Casey: What, you seeing something you like down there, Bartowski?

Chuck: Actually, you know what. I've been thinking.
Casey: Stop that.
Chuck: If our mission is to betray Morgan, I think we should have a second mission to convince Anna of what she's missing without him.
Casey: There's only one mission here, moron.
Chuck: Oh! Moron, that' know, sticks and stones may break my bones.
Casey: Wanna test that theory, Bartowski?
Chuck: Not particularly.

Chuck: Why are these people sleeping?
Casey: They're not sleeping.
Sarah: These people were killed, Chuck, and we would like to know why.
Chuck: I have no idea!
Casey: Well, look again.
Chuck: I would rather not! It's kinda creepy!

Chuck: Exactly, and that's why I think we should break up.
Sarah: Is that what you really want?
Chuck: Yes it is.
Casey: Great. Most annoying romance of my life is finally over.

Sarah: You want to break up again? I caught some chatter through bites of cereal on the surveillance tap. Sorry. It's an occupational hazard.
Chuck: Um...of course. Look, Sarah. It's not you, it's me.
Casey: Probably not the best idea to give the "it's not you, it's me" speech to a trained assassin wielding a knife.

Casey: Permission to drop the twerp into a deep, dark hole, General?
Beckman: Granted.
Casey: Hunh?

Chuck: Listen, I'm an integral member of this team and my voice needs to be heard.
Casey: Your pre-pubescent girl screams are going to be duly noted.

You know, I survived three wars without so much as losing a fingernail before I met you, Bartowski.

(to Chuck) You know, if my primary objective wasn't to protect you, I'd kill you.

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes