Ellie: What do you want him to do? Live here until he's 60 so you two can spend every second of your lives together?
Jules: Oh my God that would be amazing.

Laurie: What is with the stomach kissing?
Jules: He's trying to jumpstart my uterus!

Oh my God! I want to snort this!

Andy: Is that the candle holder from the room?
Jules: Forget about it.

Jules: This is the first time on this trip it's been just the ladies.
Ellie: It's an embarrassment of bitches.

Stop being a parade rainer-onner. We're taking a group vacation!

Tom is our interhouse-shuttle. I pay him with head pats.

I don't believe in ghosts, because if they were real I'd like to think that I would be felt up all the time.

I hope I NEVER pee this out!

Jules: All I want to do is make you happy.
Grayson: Really? Maybe tonight we'll..
Jules: ... it's not about sex, babe. But I want you to try to keep listening.
Grayson: I'll try my best.

Hey fellas, I'm trying to talk to my man so could you take that thrashing down to the park?

Nothing on two legs should walk that loud.

Cougar Town Quotes

Jules: You see that young gentleman there, I'd love to lick his body
Woman: That's my son
Jules: Ooh, he looks smart

Jules: When a 40-something guy gets divorced, it's always: "Way to go, Tiger!"
Grayson: We don't call each other Tiger. It's always Champ, or Samurai.