It's an old Parcell family recipe, but I like to replace the Union soldier meat with boiled potatoes.

Are you pickling squirrel meat? Cause I can lend you my skullpresser.

Kenneth: How was substitute teaching sir?
Pete: Just like Lean On Me, in that a guy who looks like Morgan Freeman swung a bat at me.

I hope I photograph okay, because when I look in a mirror there's just a white haze.

It's not enough that you killed the bird I've had for almost 60 years, but the fact that you didn't trust me is unforgivable!

I feel like I'm in The Pelican Brief. Do I already know too much?

Every year my aunt sends me a wool sweater for Christmas. We get it Aunt Alice. You're a sheep.

Oh, was it "The Day Is Done My Sweet For The Lambs Have Been Decapitated?

As mom used to say, you can't eat love.

When the Parcells first came to America, they lived in a town called Sexcriminalboat.

Tracy: But I want you to know something... You and me, it's not gonna be a one-way street. 'Cause I don't believe in one-way streets. Not between people, and not while I'm driving.
Kenneth: Oh, okay.
Tracy: So, here's some advice I wish I woulda got when I was your age: Live every week like it's Shark Week.

Kenneth: At least he died doing what he loved most: blogging on the Huffington Post.