[to Elijah] Hayley is one of us now. Being a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are, and wolves are wild things.

Klaus: You chase my redemption like a man rolling a stone up an endless mountain.
Elijah: Well no mountain is endless brother. Some are just steeper than others.

Klaus: This is our fight. Are you ready for battle, Hayley?
Hayley: Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive.
Klaus: Her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, Little Wolf.

[to Marcel] Tonight, we're going on a wolf hunt.

A warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for his family.

Elijah: I suppose we shall have to call this your white period.
Klaus: I'm missing a crucial color in my palette, that of my enemies' blood.

Rebekah: What's her name?
Klaus: Hope. Her name is Hope.

Klaus: In spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more with my daugther's life. Be happy...sister.
Rebekah: She will be happy, Nik, I promise.

This city would have seen you dead, but I will have it your home, and every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down, just as sure as my blood runs in your veins. You will return to me.

Klaus: Hello, sister.
Rebekah: Oh, she looks like her mother. Maybe there is a god after all.
Klaus: Well she has a hint of the devil in her eyes. That's all me.

Klaus: Camille, I appreciate you being here, but we cannot be friends.
Cami: What?
Klaus: You had me pegged from the start. A man damaged by his demons and those demons are not dormant, they are hell-bent on killing me and everything I find beautiful. And you, you are beautiful.

You saved my child's life, Marcel. And for that, you deserve this.

The Originals Quotes

Klaus: Leaving me to do what, exactly?
Hayley: Stay here and protect our daughter.

You're gonna like me, Davina Claire. And I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes