Genevieve: Look me in the eyes, Nik. Were you ever planning to give me your mother's grimoire? Did you ever care about me, even for a moment?
Klaus: I suppose you'll never know.

Klaus: Marcellus, how well your name fits you. Little Warrior, though ultimately one of no consequence.
Marcel: My name is Marcel.

Marcel: No surrender this time. You're going to have to kill us all.
Klaus: Okay, I think I'll start with you.

Klaus: If you fail to uphold your end of the deal, the consequences for you will be apocalyptic.
Genevieve: You say the most romantic things.

Ok, exercise extreme caution in this general area. A bit of a mess.

Elijah: Please tell me you've designed a stronger method to control the witch than playing hard to get.
Klaus: Well I've always been partial to the classics.

What better way to punctuate a day of peace than by killing someone?

Klaus: With all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us.
Hayley: Awesome. Then we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize that I'm capable of taking care of myself.

Klaus: Seems rather uncivilized to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one.
Elijah: Yes, far better to practice your process of grief, Niklaus. Denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements.

[to Marcel] She woke in the dark, not knowing where she was or who was watching over her. It was your name she called, and if you can grant her comfort, so be it.

Klaus: Think very carefully before you speak. The sound of your voice is likely to make me regret what mercy I've shown thus far.
Marcel: Yeah, yeah, I'm on your "who's been naughty list."

Elijah: I have denied every single impulse that I have ever had for that women out of some misbegotten respect for intentions that you don't even have.
Klaus: I'm warning you--
Elijah: I'm warning you. I've forgiven you. I've stood by you. I've forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If I want something, I'll take it. And nothing--nothing--will stand in my way.

The Originals Quotes

Klaus: Leaving me to do what, exactly?
Hayley: Stay here and protect our daughter.

You're gonna like me, Davina Claire. And I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes