Blaine: I don't want to see you go, but I can't stand to see you stay here. It's killing you, and that's killing me.
Kurt: What about us?
Blaine: In a year, I'll be there too. But right now is your time. You're ready.

Blaine: What if I don't get in? You didn't.
Kurt: You will. And if you don't it won't matter. You're a performer. You're going to find the spotlight. And you can't shy away from your greatness just because you're afraid you're not great enough. You have a gift. It wouldn't be right to let you hide that away.
Blaine: Thanks for knowing me. I love you.

Santana: He was a much better person than I am.
Kurt: That is true. But Finn really cared about you. And I don't think he would've done all those things if he didn't think you were decent, too.

Rachel: So, did you hear about Santana's good news?
Kurt: That she doesn't have a yeast infection?

I would much rather be running this race with you than against you.

Cert. I'm Cert, like the breath mint.

Tina: And what are you here to lecture us about Kurt? Our horrible taste in clothing?
Kurt: My dad has cancer.

Kurt: You truly are the world's greatest dad.
Burt: I know. It's written on the coffee mug you got me for Father's Day.

Trust is a choice.

So get on point, Kitty. Your little theory about Mercedes' shattered dreams, like most of the garbage that comes out of your mouth, is wrong.

My name is Kurt Hummel. I am a sophomore at McKinley. My first day at this school the principal got up in front of the entire freshman class and told us that the next four years are going to be the best years of our lives. What a joke. Another day, another cataclysmic humiliation. Everywhere I go I'm isolated and alone.

Kurt: I can't do it without a costume or props!
Rachel: You don't need any of that stuff!
Kurt: Yes, I do. You know that I'm at my best when I've got my careful assortment of bells and whistles, like steel scaffolding or my gold lame' pants.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
