Lexie: Yes, the odds are against us. I'm a one woman wrecking ball, all I do is break you. Your hand, your penis, your relationships, your life. I'd say our survival rate is about 3 percent. And that's, that's, that's bad. But, it's not nothing. And I don't think we should give up on this. At least not yet because...
Mark: (puts finger to Lexie's lips)
Lexie: Okay.
Mark: You think you broke me little Grey? You're the one that put me back together.

Lexie: I learned a lot today. Diagnosing a patient from beginning to end. So, thank you for teaching us.
Izzie: What would you say? To patient X. How would you... How would you break the news?
Lexie: Um, I would say that I was very sorry, and that there were support groups. Th... I ... I don't know. What do you say to somebody whose, whose gonna...
Izzie: You say, they have a choice. They can runaway and hide from it, or they can face it. You say they need to be around the people who love them, because it's gonna be the toughest fight of their life, and no one should have to do it alone. And then you give them the odds. And even though a 5 percent survival rate is bad, it's really bad. You say.... you say....
Lexie: Screw the odds! People die of the hiccups. My mother died of the hiccups. Survival rate for that is what... 100 percent? The odds are that she should be alive right now. The odds are... The odds are crap! So people should face it and they should fight. Maybe not those words.
Izzie: No. Exactly those words. Thank you doctor Grey.

Lexie: We have a diagnosis.
Izzie: Go ahead doctor Grey.
Lexie: Patient X. An elevated LDH was our only clue. And then we found out that she had enlarged lymph nodes, and a suspicious mole which was biopsied. Meanwhile, this MRI with contrasts showed a MET on her right temporal lobe. The biopsy reveled dividing cells. That coupled with further staging tests, lead to our final diagnosis of Metastatic Melanoma, with MET's to the liver, skin and brain.
Izzie: Your prognosis?
Lexie: With chemo, and radiation, um, a few months.
Intern: At best, girls pretty much toast.
Intern: Survival rate's 5 percent. If I were her, I'd go on a really good vacation.

Lexie: Ok well her SED rate is slightly elevated. Do we check for auto-immune disease?
Intern: Yeah, ANA and CRP were negative too. At worst she's got an anxiety disorder. The girl is totally fine!
Izzie: SHE IS NOT FINE! She had hallucinations. She had visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations about her dead fiance. She thought she could talk to him, and touch him. She's not fine. She's not fine. You're missing something. You're not looking in the right places. Go back and figure out what you're missing.

Lexie: HI!
Mark: HAND!
Lexie: Hand! Oh god! I'm sorry! I forgot. I'm so sorry. I feel terrible, about everything. About the fight, and your hand, and Derek. You know he's not doing so well, I really think that you should talk to him.
Mark: I should talk to him?
Lexie: Mhmm.

Mark: Dr. Grey. It would appear that congratulations are in order.
Lexie: Thank you, Dr. Sloan.
Mark: And I'd also like it acknowledged that I offer these congratulations, professionally and respectfully, without any innuendo or inappropriate body language.
Lexie: Acknowledged, Dr. Sloan.

Lexie: Wait, what's the prize?
Chief: You get to scrub in on Shepherd's craniotomy.
Lexie: Yeah!
Chief: And hold the doomsday sucker.
Lexie: What's the doomsday sucker?
Izzie: Doomsday sucker?
Chief: It's just a really big sucker.
Lexie: Yeah!

Lexie: You're the only one who knows about us and I'm terrible at keeping secrets. Keeping secrets makes me sick.
Callie: Look. Alone people don't like to hear about the together people. Okay. Even if the alone people are alone by choice. It's just sort of mean. It's sort of like bringing a 6-pack to an AA meeting.

Lexie (talking about Mark): He's fun and he's funny. Even with no sex we just laugh and we talk.
Callie: Yeah. I don't want to hear this.

Izzie: They tried number 9? Who does 9?
Sadie: Well personally I'm a fan of 5, 7, 8, pretty much 12 through 20.
Meredith (laughs): I would try 15.
Izzie: Don't. Don't try 15. I would try 16. Yeah. I've never done that before.
Alex: You'd try 16?
Izzie: Uh huh. I would. I totally would. (Izzie and Alex look at each other then quickly leave the table)
Lexie: Um, don't do 16 too fast. It can hurt badly ... I heard.

Meredith: Maybe he just doesn't want my babies?
Lexie: No... that, that's not it.
Meredith: Yeah, because my babies will have Alzheimer's, and suicidal tendencies, and split ends.
Cristina: You might have something there.
Patient: No, I really don't think you do though.
Cristina: Who are you?

Derek: I know that's why we're gonna do an exam, ok. I need you to look down for me.
Patient: Ok... OH! What is that?
Derek: What? Oh... ah, Dr. Grey could you ah, set up an MRI for Mrs unsure of what her name is please right now.
Meredith: But did you see...
Derek: Now Dr. Grey.
Meredith: Ok... [leaves]
Patient: Oh... you, you saw something?
Derek: No, no no. No, I'm sorry. Alright, can you keep a secret?
Lexie: You bet I can.
Derek: This is intended for Dr. Grey. It's supposed to be a surprise.
Patient: Oh my god... and I almost blew it!
Derek: Yeah.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
