Emily: What are you doing?
Lorelai: I'm taking out the avocado.
Emily: Since when don't you like avocado?
Lorelai: Since I said "Gross, what is this?" and you said "Avocado".
Emily: What's wrong with the tomato?
Lorelai: It was fraternizing with the enemy.

Emily: Explain this to me right now, Lorelai!
Lorelai: My back hurts. (burrows down in the couch and sticks her lip out)

Emily: (about Dean) What do you know about this boy?
Lorelai: Well, I know Rory likes him, and his parole officer has high hopes for his rehabilitation.
Emily: Does he drink?
Lorelai: Like a fish!

(after spraying Rory's hair) Ok, that will be good for 6 slow dances, 4 medium ones, 1 lambada. But if you plan on doing any moshing, I suggest another coat.

Emily: "We're in here", that's how you answer the door?
Lorelai: Well, I was all out of Saran wrap.
Emily: I don't even want to try to figure that one out.

Lorelai: (shouting) C'mon already!
Rory: (from in her room) I'm primping!
Lorelai: You're sixteen, you've skin like a baby's ass, there's nothing to primp!
Rory: OK, OK, here I come!
(Rory walks down the hall to Lorelai, looking very lovely in her evening gown)
Lorelai: Wow, someone hit you with a pretty stick!

Emily: If she doesn't want to go [to the Chilton dance], then it must be because of something you said.
Lorelai: Mom, I promise, all I ever said to her about dances is that you go, you dance, you have punch, you eat, you take a picture, and then you get auctioned off to a biker gang from Sausalito.

Lorelai: What were you thinking? Staying out all night? Are you CRAZY?
Rory: I'm sorry. It was an accident.
Lorelai: You're talking to the queen of staying out all night, okay? I invented the concept, you cannot do this. Period!
Rory: Nothing happened! We fell asleep!

Emily: Lorelai, I have watched you do a lot of stupid things, and I have held my tongue.
Lorelai: What?
Emily: But I am not going to just stand back and watch you let that girl ruin her life.
Lorelai: Mom, back off.
Emily: She's going to get pregnant.
Lorelai: No she's not.
Emily: She's going to ruin everything, just like you ruined everything.
Lorelai: No she's not, no she's not, no she's NOT! Rory is a good kid, Mom--she's not me!

Emily: Okay Rory, come out here please.
(Rory comes into the room using a napkin as a bib and eating a taco)
Rory: Hey Grandma
Emily: (speaking to Lorelai) She's lived with you too long.
Lorelai: Honey, lose the bib and the taco, put your shoes on come back out, and let grandma take the pretty picture.

Emily: (on the phone) No, I won't be coming home tonight.
(Lorelai groans)
Emily: (speaking to Lorelai) Was that a pain?
Lorelai: Yes, a big one.

Rory: It's Mr. Medina.
Lorelai: I know.
Rory: My English teacher is on my couch.
Lorelai: It was the snow. You know how I get, it's like catnip. I was walking, he was there, his car was broken, we had fiesta burgers... it was the snow.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
