Skills: You sure you should be pushing yourself so hard, man? I thought you were supposed to be in physical therapy?
Luke: All they do is let me stretch right now, and I figured I get back in here, I build my muscle, and be back in shape twice as fast.
Skills: Or risk messing yourself up for good.
Luke: Whose side are you on anyways, huh?
Skills: I'm on your side, man. Look, all I'm saying is, dawg, what are you rushing back to?
Luke: Look, I worked hard to be part of this team, Skills. We're undefeated and I'm not giving up my spot now.
Tim: Hey, Gimp, Coach wants to see you in practice pronto.
Luke: Why?
Tim: What am I, psychic?

Luke: When you didn't come to the hospital, I began to worry that maybe you changed your mind.
Peyton: No, it was just too weird with Brooke there. I started to tell her about us the night of your accident and then Haley called and everything changed....
Luke: I figured. That's why I ended things with Brooke today.
Peyton: You did? Did you tell her why?
Luke: No, I told her I needed to focus on getting well.
Peyton: We need to tell her the rest.

Luke: Peyton.
Peyton: I was so afraid you weren't going to wake up.
Luke: What? And miss out on being with you?

Luke: I'm going to need some time to figure some stuff out.
Brooke: Whatever you need, I'm here for you.
Luke: Yeah, see, that's the thing.
Brooke: Are you breaking up with me?
Luke: I just think it's the best thing for right now.
Brooke: Maybe for you.
Luke: Brooke, I'm sorry.
Brooke: Apparently not enough.

Brooke: Hey, I want you to know that I'm here for you and whatever you need and if she's not home, I might actually give you a sponge bath.
Luke: Actually, I can't do that for awhile.
Brooke: What, bathe?
Luke: No, you know, sex.
Brooke: Wow, that sucks. A little cardio maybe just what ya need.

Hey, buddy, I missed you.

Luke: (wakes up in hospital) Water ... What are you doing here?
Nathan: It's a long story. Let me get your mom.

Peyton: Even if we could be together, what makes you think it would work?
Lucas: 'Cause I feel it in my heart, don't you?
Peyton: Yes, so what are we going to do?

Peyton: That's where we're at right now. It's not fair to her to make a big deal out of what happened. It didn't mean anything. I'm sorry.
Lucas: Peyton....(kisses her) See, it does mean something.
Peyton: It can't.
Lucas: But it does.
Peyton: Lucas, you're dating Brooke.
Lucas: I know, and she's great, okay, but she's not you. Look, ever since you came to my room and told me how you felt about me, I've been hiding with Brooke. Okay, I've been trying not to get hurt again. I don't wanna hide anymore.

Lucas: Hey, Peyton.
Peyton: Oh, hey, Brooke had to take off early, so she's expecting you to call her.
Lucas: Okay, you gotta a sec?
Peyton: Umm, yeah, what's up?
Lucas: I lied, okay? I can't bury what happened between us.
Peyton: Lucas, Brooke is my best friend and she's your girlfriend.

Lucas: Peyton, so how's everything with your dad?
Peyton: Good, thanks.
Lucas: Yeah, and uhh, how about us?
Peyton: That moment where we kissed right? I've been feeling guilty about it all weekend.
Lucas: Me, too.
Peyton: Listen, let's just bury it and pretend it never happened. Okay?
Lucas: Sure.

Lucas: You warm enough?
Peyton: I'm okay. I should probably get the heater fixed in here, huh?
Lucas: You know, I could have Keith take a look at it for ya. He's really good at that stuff. Do you want me to stop and get some coffee?
Peyton: I'm fine, thanks. Thanks for doing this for me, Luke.
Lucas: That's what friends are for, right?
Peyton: Yeah.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.