You're killing me Lily! You're killing me! You have to let me dance my own battles!

Robin: Marshall it doesn't matter. Cause you'd lose anyway and you know why? Cause I'm Sparkles bitch!
Marshall: Oh and you think you can to me? You think you could step up to the streets? To me? You think you could step up, over me, to the streets?

Lily: When you said you were about to get reamed?
Marshall: Oh right that. No, sometimes for fun, we throw reams of paper at each other. Bernard! Not a good time! Read the room!

Lily: Face it Robin, you hate women and women hate you.
Marshall: Ted didn't go to his prom? Classic.

Hey I have given up peeing in the shower for you!

Look at this thing! I'll never have cold pizza again! I'll never have cold pizza again...

Screw tomorrow, lets go big tonight.

No no no! Ted do not give me that look.
Ted; A mountain of food, a ticking clock? Come on you live for this stuff.

Marshall: Well it's official. I'm going to be Judge Marshall Eriksen.
Ranjit: That is great. Can you help me get a driver's license?
Barney: A what?

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Lily: We're not going to Italy.
Marshall: Of course we are. Lily we have to do this. You're gonna live in Rome and you're gonna get your dream because you're giving me mine, again.

Ted: Singles tables are cruel. I mean what if you went to a wedding and there was a table of all fat guys?
Marshall: That would be awesome.

Marshall: We're adorable
Lily: We're Marshmallow and Lilypadad bitch!