Nathan: Jamie sports is up next.
Jamie: What's the big deal? I got wifi on my phone.
Haley: Get over here and watch with us.
Mouth on TV: Last night in the NBA the Charlotte Bobcats quietly made a move that most sports fans wouldn't have noticed, adding a point guard to their roster for the rest of the season. But we're leading with that story because this point guard is a local legend who overcame adversity and difficult circumstances in pursuit of a dream. Last night the Charlotte Bobcats called up a former Tree Hill Raven, a great guy and a good friend Nathan Scott. Jamie Scott hug your dad for all of us because he just made it to the NBA and we couldn't be more proud!
Jamie: I knew you could do it!

[ending voiceover]
Mouth: Take a look at yourself in a mirror who do you see looking back?
Haley: Is it the person you want to be?
Dan: Or is there someone else you were meant to be the person you were meant to be but fell short of?
Mia: Is someone telling you you can't or won't? Because you can.
Chase: Believe that love is out there.
Nathan: Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
Peyton: Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power. Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family and the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
Julian: Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
Brooke: Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
Peyton: So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be. Believe that.
Lucas: And believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.

Clay: Season is over Nate.
Nathan: For some guys, but's pre-season for next year.
Clay: See that's why I love being your agent.

I'm a wooden tool that wears body spray.

Nathan: Nice summer night with a bottle of wine.
Quinn: Yeah, if I were Taylor, it'd totally be on.

Tell you what, instead of playing HORSE, why don't we play a game of LUCAS?

Nathan: You want the truth?
Jamie: I'm seven, I can handle it.

Nathan: You're a good man, Jamie Scott.
Jamie: So are you, Dad. You're Nathan Scott.

Nathan: Putting my son to work?
Brooke: Absolutely! Clothes Over Bros has a long history of child labor.

Jamie: Why is she lying?
Nathan: Because bad people forget the difference between right and wrong, and they like to take advantage of good people.

I'm a professional basketball player; girls get a hold of my email and my cell phone number all the time. And when they contact me I call them back to tell them stop because I'm happily married to a woman who loves and trusts me. But I guess that was a lie, because she doesn't trust me.

If you think I'm capable of that, you do what you have to do. But I can guarantee you if you've lost faith in me, all the money in the world isn't going to fix it.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.