Nathan: You see this? The summer I decided to really dedicate myself to basketball, my dad said I was way too skinny to ever be a great player. He said I wasn't tough enough, that I wasn't strong enough. So to prove him wrong, I spent every single day in this training room. It was like a thousand degrees in it, but I wasn't gonna let him be right.
Peyton: Anger's motivation.
Nathan: Anger and inspiration. Every time I benched another ten pounds, I scratched two letters, under the plate.
Peyton: What does it say? PS?
Nathan: It was the same summer we started dating. We were pretty good together weren't we?
Peyton: Gimme your hand. Ok, I want you to feel this.
Nathan: Geeze what happened?
Peyton: I broke that knuckle punching something after we've broken up for like the twentieth time! We were horrible together!
Nathan: Yeah, I know, I was kinda hoping you forgot.
Peyton: No.

Peyton: So I guess I was right about the partial nudity thing. Boys locker room?
Nathan: Just following the assignment.

Nathan: So how naked do we have to get?
Skills: See, I knew you would come around.

Keith: It's okay Nathan.
Nathan: Why'd you have save me Keith?! Huh? If I would have died, then there's no Daunte, and there's no accident, and Haley and the baby are fine. C'mon Keith, you can save me but you can't answer me? Thanks for nothing.
Lucas: So it was you?
Keith: No, it was him. Most people are stronger than they know... they just, forget to believe in it sometimes.
Lucas: This is my fault. I wanted to win the state championship, I could have let him lose that game. I should have been more supportive of him and Haley!
Keith: Right. We'll let's take another look at that world, you know, where you're a lesser guy.

I know I did a horrible thing, okay. But I deserve to e punished for that, not Haley! She's a good person and she'd be a great mother if... Look I know it must suck how people are always asking for things and never giving anything back and I know that Keith saved me at that bridge, but Haley saved me long before the accident. There has to be a miracle left for her, please, please, don't take her from me, don't take our child from her.

Whitey: You have made a hell of a comeback. You played as team. Even if we lose this thing, it's still a damn fine moral victory. Now, maybe that's okay with you. Maybe you want to look back and tell your grandkids about the state championship you almost won.
Nathan: No way. We're winning this game, right, Luke?
Lucas: You tell me.
Nathan: We're winning this game.

Nathan: I need to ask you a question. If I don't go to Duke, if I don't play college basketball - I mean if today is the best it ever gets for me, will that be enough?
Haley: Of course! Nathan, as long as you are a good husband and a good father to your son.
Nathan: What?
Haley: It's a boy Nathan. You're gonna have a son! Although I have to tell you, someday he's gonna tease his father for playing like crap at the state championship. You might wanna change that.

Hayley: You've been so supportive of me and my dream for music, so I just wanna be supportive of you and your dream for playing at Duke. So I wanna do this for us, okay?
Nathan: How did I get so lucky?
Haley: It helps that you're hot.

Nathan: Hey! Come on... (Nathan pulls her down.)
Hayley: Hey! I was getting that.
Nathan: You shouldn't be straining yourself. You can't risk falling and stuff.
Haley: Relax, I'm pregnant, not elderly.

You know, I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And I guess I never really felt worthy of it. Now I know that miracle wasn't for me. It was for us. All three of us!


Nathan: As many of you know, I called this press conference today to announce where I'm planning to play basketball in college. I got a lot of great offers but its always been my dream to play in Duke University, so ah... that's where I plan to go but... You know, my father said that today will be the greatest day of my life, and you're right dad, it is. But it's not because of basketball. You see, today I learned that my wife Haley is pregnant. It's an absolute honor to be recruited by Duke University. I guess what I have to say to you today is this: where I play basketball, if I play basketball, is no longer a decision for me to make alone. It's a decision that I make with my wife and my family's best interests at heart, and when I do I'll let you all know. My wife couldn't be here today so, I just wanted to say one thing to her: Haley, no matters what happens, we face it together. I promise you, I've never been happier. Everything is gonna be okay. I love you. Thank you.

Haley: I'm pregnant ... we're pregnant, at least just tell me how you feel about that?
Nathan: I feel like you should've told me a few weeks ago... that's how I feel.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.