Lisbon: We can't lie.
Jane: We do it all the time.

Would the world really miss him if something happened?

All of these men are very bad, they just don't happen to be Red John.

If I wanted to kill Benjamin Marx I would have done it the first time.

Lisbon: Every time we go to see one of these Red John suspects, I get edgy.
Jane: Really? Can't tell.
Lisbon: Really? Oh.

Jane: What do you hunt?
McAllister: Anything with a face. Game's game right?

I swear I could marry you off in a minute.

Grace: You ruined a girl's wedding.
Jane: Yes and I lack the putty to spackle those emotional wounds that's why I'm calling you.

You said your wife had a migraine last night which is the enabler's code for drunk.

Love is in the air, Lisbon.

Lisbon: Hey Jane. Care to offer your opinion?
Jane: These ducks love muffins.
Lisbon: Very helpful.

Grace: How's the boss?
Jane: Awake and cranky.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.