Peggy: I have a boyfriend.
Joyce: He doesn't own your vagina.
Peggy: No, but he's renting it.

Don: It's your job. I give you money. You give me ideas.
Peggy: But you never thank me.
Don: That's what the money is for!

Peggy: I look around and I think: I want what he had. You have everything and you have so much of it.
Don: I suppose that's probably true.

Peggy: What do you want from me?
Duck: ... to give you a go-around like you've never had.

You both can leave. I'm in a very good place right now.

You know something. We are all here becuase of you. All we want to do is please you.

One day you're there and there's less of you and you wonder where that part went. If it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.

Peggy: This is good champagne.
Don: I don't think so.

Don: I'm not gonna beg you.
Peggy: Beg me? You didn't even ask me.

You'll have to believe me that I'll forget this. I don't want you treating me badly because I remind you of it.

Don: Men want her and women want to be her.
Peggy: Even if that's true...
Don: It is.

Kinsey: If you were feeling it, you'd be hungry.
Peggy: I am hungry. It's just not worth moving.