I'm the bad cop - now its your turn.

Because when you look at me you think soap operas and light housework.

Pull everything cameras - I wanna know who that guy is.

I'm doing the newspaper thing - I'm not doing the stupid bird thing.

Elizabeth: What do you think he was going to say?
Peter: I don't know.
Elizabeth: Do you think he was going to leave Kate?
Peter: I don't know. Doesn't matter.
Elizabeth: I think it matters.
Peter: Why, it's kind of a mute point now.
Elizabeth: It matters to you.

Peter: This is New York we'll catch him.
Neal: Is that your half time speech?

Peter: I hope you're not planning on walking with that.
Neal: No law against thinking about it.

Peter: Talk some sense into him.
Mozzie: We'll take that under advisement, Suit.

Diana: Where are you going?
Peter: To see an old friend.

Peter: You said goodbye to everyone but me. Why?
Neal: You know why.
Peter: Tell me.
Neal: Because you are the only one who could change my mind.

Peter: I'm almost impressed.
Neal: You'd do the same for Elizabeth.

Aren't you clever agent Burke.
