And that's when it hit me-- how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. Ya know, I mean, I always knew he looked familiar, but...

Rachel: So wait, all you guys have jobs?
Monica: Yeah... That's how we buy things.

Ross: You probably never knew this but back in high school I had a major crush on you.
Rachel: I knew.
Ross: You probably just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother.
Rachel: I did.

Rachel: Anyone want any coffee?
Chandler: Are you just serving it? Or did you make it?
Rachel: I'm just serving it.
All: Yeah, I'll have a cup.

Rachel: Daddy! Daddy listen to me! It's like all my life everyone's told me, "You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!" Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse or a hat? No I don't want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying I am a hat. It's a metaphor Daddy!
Ross: You can see where he'd have trouble.

Monica: Come on. You can't live off your parents your whole life.
Rachel: I know that! That's why I was getting married.

Rachel: You are the only person I knew who lived here in the city.
Monica: Who wasn't invited to the wedding.
Rachel: Oh! I was hoping it wouldn't be an issue.

Monica: I can't stop smiling.
Rachel: I can see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.

Rachel: Guess what.
Ross: You got a job?
Rachel: Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing!

Rachel: Isn't this amazing? I mean, I have never made coffee before in my entire life.
Chandler: That is amazing.

Want a wedding dress? Hardly used.

Monica: Paul, this is everybody. Everybody, this is Paul.
Joey: Hey, Paul, the wine guy.
Ross: Hey, Paul.
Phoebe: Hey, Paul.
Rachel: Hi, Paul.
Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, was it?

Friends Quotes

Ross: I get home, and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table. And I'm thinking to myself, "Oh my God, what the hell am I doing?" I mean, here I am, I am with Julie, this incredible, great woman, who I care about and who cares about me, and I'm like, what, am I just gonna throw all that away?
Joey: You got all that from saline solution?

Phoebe: (About Ross bringing luggage) How long did you think this barbecue was gonna last?
Ross: I'm going to China.
Phoebe: Jeez, you say one thing, and...
Monica: You're going to China?
Ross: (Not wanting to get into it) It's for the museum. Someone found a bone. We want the bone. They don't want us to have the bone. I'm going to try to persuade them to give us the bone. It's a whole big bone thing.