Moiraine: Lanfear was famous for two things among the Forsaken. Her casual cruelty, and her mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Rand: Tel'aran...?
Moiraine: The world of dreams. She can hurt you just as easily there as here, and the moment you fall asleep, she will have you.

Rand: You killed her.
Moiraine: I haven't. I couldn't. Because that is Lanfear. Daughter of the Night, the most dangerous of the Forsaken.

The Wheel of Time Quotes

Rand: We can't just leave.
Moiraine: They're after you. They will follow you! And if you stay here, this is where they'll come. They will leave nothing and no one standing and I can't do anything to stop them. Our only chance is to reach the White Tower.

The Dragon has been born again, and it's one of you.
