Richard: Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet the new head of trauma at Seattle Grace, Major Owen Hunt. You remember Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd ...
Derek: Stole my patient.
Mark: Mine too.
Owen: Now you'll get a chance to steal mine.

I just spoke with a friend of mine at the DOH. Now that we have Owen, we are being reclassified as a LEVEL 1 trauma unit by the end of the month!

Richard: You pulled off a 12-eprson domino surgery last week. That's the kind of thing we need every week. It's the kind of thing that shows me you're gonna be a great surgeon one day.
Miranda: Well thank you sir.
Richard: It's not enough. I don't want you to just be great Miranda. I want you to be the best. And if you're going to succeed me as the best general surgeon in this hospital than you need to start now. Today. Which means you need to be me.

Richard: You wanna take point on a surgery, take point. Problem comes up, solve it. Don't ask me, just do it. Be me.
Miranda: Be you.
Richard: Be me.

Richard: You're gonna have to put together a team, and come up with a plan to save her.
Miranda: Save a girl with an inoperable tumor?
Richard: It's not easy being me.

Richard: What are you people doing?
Izzie: We were just, uh, just deciding which of our interns to give to George.
Cristina: Uh huh.
Miranda: Oh, you think I got to choose my interns? And I picked you people... 'cause you're all such a surgical dream team? [to Alex] You, you're lazy. [to Izzie] You're whiney. [to Meredith] Butter fingers over there... downright depressing. [to Cristina] You, Yang, you're just annoying. Choosing their own interns! What are ...
Richard: Give me those damn cards. [picks out four, hands cards to George] O'Malley, you have interns.

Richard: Hows she doing?
Meredith: I'm keeping a close eye on her, but so far she's completely stable.
Richard: Come with me. [walks down the hall] This man is very ill, may be dying. He's got a perfect healthy donor kidney that WASN'T dropped on the floor. There's only so much we can help, and so much we can hurt. Forgive yourself.

Richard: 'Bout time this hospital got some good publicity for a chance. Oh, heard you found a donor.
Miranda: Yes sir. The final piece of the puzzle has fallen into place.
Richard: This is the day Dr. Bailey. The day Seattle Grace comes back swingin'!

All eyes... are on Seattle Grace.

Richard: O'Malley: Test results.
Lexie: You passed! You're not an intern anymore!

O'Malley. I made a call. They do not have your score yet, if I knew I would tell you.

Apparently some people thought I was kidding last week when I said that no one was going to be able to hang out in their favorite specialty anymore. I WASN'T. Junior residents do not specialize. So all the requests to send you back to the special place where your true heart lives can end now. Dr. Bailey makes the assignments, do not - I repeat do not, harang her.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
