Did you see the hearts? It took me like six minutes.

You're powerless to resist me, you always have been.

Castle: You know how I get when I'm gaming. I'm like Gretzky.
Beckett: Well, at least Gretzky knew how to score.

Shouldn't you be wearing a short skirt for this? That's the rule.

Castle: She's still not taking my calls.
Beckett: Can you blame her Castle, you practically turned her into a smurf.

She was killed by Big Foot.

Castle: Did you see how that gorilla looked at me?
Beckett: I think it was lust actually Castle. You are ruggedly handsome.

Ryan: I always wanted a pet monkey when I was a kid. Big Curious George fan.
Castle: Wait 'til George grows up. An adult chimpanzee can reach 200 lbs, tear off a man's face, hands, and naughty bits.

Vicious, blood thirsty, old folks, is that your theory?

Maybe my apartment's being invaded by some sort of super rat.

Castle: Where is Captain Gates?
Espo: She couldn't make it.
Castle: Good.

Here's to 100 more.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
