Castle: We're gonna catch this guy.
Beckett: Yeah, like we caught the guy who shot me.

Castle: I know what the paper dolls mean!
Gates: Mr. Castle, now is not the time for your theatrics.

You got this.

Castle (to Beckett)

She's spinning out of control. Losing her ability to cope.

Can I just say this school of yours is worth every penny.

How worried should I be about Beckett?

Beckett: Do you know what he has that most men don't?
Castle: A Josh Groban cd?

This is the worst impromptu bachelor party while on case ever!

We're not going to be seeing Carrot Top tonight, are we?

Trust me, you do not want to start a marriage with a family feud.

It's almost like the thought of marriage fills him with an impending sense of doom. Oh wait, that's me!

Let's not let a little thing like murder get in the way of having a good time.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
