Roger Sterling: I bet there were people in the Bible walking around, complaining about "kids today."
Don Draper: Kids today, they have no one to look up to. Cuz they're looking up to us.

With my hair you can't even see me in here.

Marie: And then one day I made too many mistakes.
Roger: Where was I that day?

Roger Sterling: Say nothing. You are here because of Don Draper's largess.
Pete Campbell: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Roger Sterling: Now, I know that your generation went to college instead of serving, so I'll illuminate you. This man is your commanding officer. You live and die in his shadow. Understood?
Pete Campbell: (nods vigorously) I won't let you down, Don.
Roger Sterling: Jesus! Campbell...don't ever say that.

You gonna tell me what you're gonna talk about, or is my look of surprise part of the sales pitch?

I love how they sit there like a couple of choir boys. You know one of them's leaving New York with VD.

We beat you and we'll beat you again. And we don't want any of your Jap crap.

You're gonna use your dying breath to tell Don to fix this.

Kinsey: He might lose his foot.
Roger: Right when he got it in the door.

I don't like being judged.

You know what my father used to say? "Being with a client is like being in a marriage. Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, and eventually they hit you in the face."

My uncle lost his leg, hitching a trailer. He used to ask me to scratch his toes. He didn't have any.