Roger: No one else is saying the right thing about this.
Joan: You're really upset.
Roger: What's that about?
Joan: Because there's nothing funny about this.

If you can make it through a day like today, marriage is a cake walk.

Can someone please get my wife out of the kitchen? I have something very nice to say about her.

Anabelle: You were the one.
Roger: You weren't.

You wanna be on some people's minds. Some people, you don't.

Anabelle: You're married, aren't you?
Roger: I am.
Anabelle: Still or again?
Roger: You know it's again. And don't get cute.

You're gonna use your dying breath to tell Don to fix this.

Roger: I watched the sunrise today. Couldn't sleep.
Don: How was it?
Roger: Average.

Kinsey: He might lose his foot.
Roger: Right when he got it in the door.

I don't like being judged.

Roger: It's a mistake to be conspicuously happy.
Don: No one thinks you're happy. They think you're foolish.

[on grieving for celebrities] I mean Roosevelt, I hated the man, but I felt like I knew him.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
