Rory:(about Sherry) She's a very safe driver. Stops at yellow lights, uses her turn signals...
Lorelai: So she will not be driving our getaway car.
Rory: What are we robbing?
Lorelai: A Sephora. We talked about this.
Rory: Right. Sorry.

Paris: According to the rules, we're not supposed to have dairy forty-eight hours before the debate. Did you eat any dairy today?
Rory: The milk in my cereal?
Paris: WHAT?!
Lorelai: Rory, your dad's on the phone.
Rory: Okay! (Takes phone)
Paris: (To Lorelai) Did you give her the milk?
Lorelai: Uh, I'd rather not say.

While having their picnic at the lake
Rory: Wow a place in Stars Hollows that you actually like!
Jess: Yeah I have some good memories of this place. See over there, that's where Luke pushed me in!

Rory: Why are you only nice to me?
Jess: Excuse me?
Rory: An hour ago you were totally screwing with Dean and now you're totally nice to me.
Jess: You see, it's the screwing with Dean that's an important step to getting here so that I can be nice to you.

(Dean walks away after fighting with Rory)
Rory: Please, don't walk away like that!
Dean: Sorry, I'd do a silly walk, but I'm not felling very John Cleese right now!

Lorelai: So, Dad, how's retired life treating you?
Richard: Well, fascinating actually! I find myself noticing things, everyday things that I must've witnessed a hundred times before and just walked right pass. Like yesterday your mother moved a vase, the one in the hall, and see didn't do it in front of me
Lorelai: No, no! 'Cause nice girls never move vases in front of men.
Richard: (ignoring Lorelai's comment) and she only moved it a little, but as I passed it by I noticed it had been moved!
Rory: Impressive!
Richard: And everyday is a new discovery! Your mother changed her hair, or she wore shoes that didn't match her purse!
Emily: Richard!
Richard: Last Thursday!
Emily: Oh, for heaven's sake!

Rory: Poor Dean.
Lorelai: Poor Dean, he has to spend one evening with him. I share chromosomes with the guy.

Jess: Nice picture.
Rory: (sarcastically) Gee, thanks.
Jess: You're very popular right now. I bet if you burn a few books, they'll probably make you mayor.
Rory: This is ridiculous.
Jess: I don't know, bet you have a lot of supporters on this. Pat Buchanon, Jerry Falwell, Kathie Lee Gifford.
Rory: (annoyed) Bye.
Jess: Aw, come on, it's a little funny.
Rory: No, being the poster girl for censorship is not a little funny. The only videos not behind that curtain are Bambi and Dumbo. I mean, they actually had a meeting earlier about whether or not Babe should be behind the curtain so as not to offend people who keep kosher!
Jess: It's a crazy world we live in.

Luke: (about Paris, who is annoying him) Rory, how much do you like this girl?
Rory: Do what you gotta do, Luke.

Rory: Hey Kirk, there are a couple of little kids over there and they're, uh, looking at this tape cover that's kind of mature. You might wanna put that stuff on a higher shelf or something.
Kirk: Mature? How mature?
Rory: Uh, it's a half-naked woman just standing there.
Kirk: Is she a blonde?
Rory: What?
Kirk: I'll check it out right now. (walks away)

(Lorelai rushes through the front door followed by Richard)
Lorelai: Rory, we're home!
Richard: Next time, stop the car completely before you get out.
Lorelai: Rory, for the love of God, be home!
Rory: I'm here, sorry! I was on the phone. How was your... (Lorelai wraps Rory in her arms and hugs her very tightly) Ooh, okay.
Lorelai: I don't think I've ever loved you quite as much as I love you right now.
Rory: Ah, ribs cracking, organs crushing.
Lorelai: Yeah, well, love hurts.

Paris: We're going to reveal the seedy underbelly of small towns -- starting with yours.
Rory: Stars Hollow does not have a 'seedy underbelly'. We don't even have a meter maid.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
