I mean I've seen Damon at his worst Caroline and I actually think he enjoys the way it makes him feel. It's like the more pain he can cause, the more reasons there are for people to hate him. He wants to confirm everyone's lowest expectations of him.

Ivy: Now tell me something I don't know about you.
Stefan: I'm a vampire.

You hired a vampire. Next time do a background check.

Elena: Savannah's not your home Stefan. It's an escape, a hiding place. This is your home.
Stefan: No this was my home, but I can no longer enter its borders therefore I have a new home.
Elena: So you're just gonna throw in the towel and go back to your new fake life?

You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.

Damon: I'm not trying to screw up your dumb new life!
Stefan: You don't have to try Damon. All you have to do is exist. Because no matter what I do or where I go, you will be with me forever, trying to destroy every single thing that I build.

I keep trying to start over but I can't get anywhere.

Enzo [about Caroline]: OH. That's brilliant. Of course that's why she hates you. That's why you worked her into such a state in Savannah. That's why she told you to take a leap! She hates you because she doesn't hate you at all.
Stefan: I'm sorry are you still talking?
Enzo: She's got a thing for you mate.

Whoop, be careful. You just sounded generally concerned for my brother.

Just cause I hate you doesn't mean I want you to starve to death.

Caroline [to Stefan]

Stefan: You're supposed to trust that I'm nothing like Enzo.
Matt: Except that you are.

Okay cause that's the first thing I want to see this morning.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
