Broyles: What you did tonight.
Walter: Was to use the killer's DNA to target him and only him using his own toxin. If you plan to press charges then so be it. But I don't regret what I did.
Broyles: Good night Dr. Bishop

Dunham: Walter, why did he go after you?
Walter: I don't know. Perhaps he knew my father betrayed the Nazis.

Peter: I'm sorry Walter.
Walter: Apology not accepted.

Walter: Do you think she'll call me dad?
Peter: Who?
Walter: Agent Dunham.

Dunham: You abused us Walter, me and those other children.
Walter: No, we were trying to help you. We were trying to make you more than you were.

Dunham: What the hell is wrong with you? You did this to little children?
Walter: We should get to work.

Walter: The drugs are working fast; perhaps it was the right arm.
Peter: What?

It was the first hole, the first breach, the first crack in the pattern of cracks in the places between the worlds, and it's my fault.

Walter: Why did you save us?
Observer: The boy is important. He has to live.

All William Bell ever cared about was finding the way to increase the power and wealth and legend of William Bell.

My son is dying Dr. Warren; I will not allow that to happen again.

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Fringe Quotes

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Just your average multi-national corporation specializing in secret bio research and defense contracting. Massive Dynamic. Seems like such an innocent name for a corporation, don't you think?


Fringe Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes