Tony: Baby, I'm amazed. A maze of maize.
Ziva: What?!
Tony: Maize. It's the Indian word for corn.
Ziva: The Indian word for corn is maki.
Tony: Not Indians from India! Indians from, you know, here!
Ziva: Well if they were Indians from here then we would be called American Indians, you dork.
Tony: They'd be called Native Americans, Miss Citizenship Test.

Ziva: We killed you first, Tony.
Tony: Oh, I've seen it a million times. The pretty popular girl gets jealous when the hot new transfer comes in and steals all the spotlight. Well, it's pretty much a staple of every high school movie from the seventies and eighties : Heathers, Fast Times ...
Gibbs: Who got jealous in Fast Times? God, I like Phoebe Cates.

That is why it is called a batnap.

Ziva: You got captured ... on purpose?
Tony: Yeah.
Ziva: These people are killers, Tony.
Tony: That's why we have to stay alive long enough to not get dead.
Ziva: That would involve getting rescued.
Tony: Yes it would.

Ziva: When I have a man, the favors I offer have little to do with clothes.
Tony: That's good to know.

Ziva: Tony. You are so...
Tony: Handsome? Funny? What?
Ziva: Loved.

Ziva: You know I keep thinking if it was not for Orly, things would have been different. I would be a different person.
Tony: Then I should I catch her before she leaves. You know. I'd thank her.

(Ziva walks into the squad room)
Tony: Ah, thought you were in Miami? You look... positively alpine.
Ziva: He came to me. We went skiing again, this time to Vermont.
Tony: (Laughs) Vermont! That's... so quaint! They have all those lovely little country inns and cozy fires and sticky maple syrup that gets everywhere.
Ziva: He enjoys nature, and I discovered that he's a fantastic cook. He made this delicious osso buco.
Tony: Aren't you lucky? So, he's a real renaissance man?
Ziva: He is an experienced man who knows how to appreciate life. There is a difference.

Eli: I do not have the luxury for my feelings to dictate my actions.
Ziva: You do not have any feelings.
Eli: I have no feelings? There was a time Ziva, when I was quite different. When my house was filled with the sound of children laughing. You, and Ari, and Tali.
(Ziva's eyes now full of tears.)
Eli: There was a time Ziva, yes.

Ziva: After out last trip to LA, I do not understand why you would think I would be such an eager platypus, Tony.
Tony: Beaver, eager beaver. Not platypus. (pause) Why does that bother me so much? Don't answer that! (Ziva's cell rings) Answer that!

Ziva: I went to Israel to bury my father. It was a moment of weakness. I felt alone.
Tony: You need to talk to legal.
Ziva: No I don't.
Tony: My Hebrew must not be as good as I thought. Because I could have sworn that when I dropped you off at the airport I told you that you are not alone.
Ziva: Yes you did.
Tony: Well then. We must have different interpretations.

Tony: Ziva. Are you thinking of ways to rough up the new Mossad director?
Ziva: Orly is an opportunist. She's even not worthy of roughing up.
Tony: I'd still pay to see it.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?