Anatol: I love my country. I would die for my country.
Sam: Do you have to do all your loving and dying in Bozouls? Aren’t there plenty of your fellow patriots in Argentina that you can write angry manifestos and compare kill lists with? Leave me to enjoy my cognac and foul cheese in peace?

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Sam Spade
Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 6: "Call Me Sam"
Monsieur Spade
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Sam Spade Quotes, Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes, Monsieur Spade Quotes
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Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Henri: I’m not what you think I am, Monsieur Spade.
Sam: You’re exactly what I think you are. You’re a sap who has been sucked into Anatol’s OAS bullshit.
Anatol: I’m not OAS. I’m XO Forces.
Sam: Oh, Jesus. How many fuckin’ dogmatic maniacs can you have in one country?

Sam: However good a shot you think you are, you could have killed Teresa, and trust me, I don’t think you could’ve lived with that.
Henri: You don’t know what I could live with.
Sam: No, what I meant, Henri, is that I would have fucking killed you.