Julie: He asked her out.
Susan: You lie.
Julie: It's true. He called her for a date six months ago. The day after my birthday party.
Susan: The one at the piano bar?
Julie: Yeah. What is it?
Susan: Oh, um, your father just came over that day and told me some stuff. You know, some stuff that I haven't and can't tell you.
Julie: Wait. Whatever happened to we share everything? Isn't that our thing, what we're known for?
Susan: Um, actually, I think what we're known for is sharing clothes. Yeah. I think that's our thing.

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Susan Mayer
Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 2: "You Could Drive a Person Crazy"
Desperate Housewives
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Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Mike: I've got a question for ya.
Susan: Sure, go ahead...
Mike: Where are we now?
Susan: Where are we?
Mike: Yeah...we're not moving in together we're not broken up so, where are we?
Susan: I dont know...

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