Maroun: The people seek remand. The defendant's DNA was found under the victim's fingernails, and it's worth noting that he is a suspect in three other homicides. Plus, he took a woman hostage and held a gun to her head, and we'll be adding kidnapping charges later today. Given that and his financial means, this defendant is a flight risk.
Defense attorney: Your honor, the evidence is weak. This is a witch hunt meant to score headlines.
Judge: Defendant is remanded.
Defense attorney: Your Honor, he's willing to pay a 5 million dollar bond.
Judge: He can be willing to pay 5 billion dollars for all I care. This is about safety.

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Law & Order Season 23 Episode 3: "Turn the Page"
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Law & Order Season 23 Episode 3 Quotes, Law & Order Quotes
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Law & Order Season 23 Episode 3 Quotes

There are too many criminals out there. And they just keep getting more brazen, because nobody cares.


Shaw: Was Celeste dating anyone?
Mother: I don't know. We didn't really talk about her social life.
Riley: Was there a reason for that?
Mother: People are age see things differently. She didn't think I could understand. So we just didn't talk about it.