No, I just don't want Brian to know. I don't want anyone to know. It's embarrassing! Look at me! I just invaded a raccoon's nest looking for cookies that will definitely make me sick.


Well, you know what, maybe we can celebrate all the holidays, you know? Have an all-iday party! Do you get it? All the holidays?


Mateo: Go get 'em, tiger! I don't know. What do straight boys say?
Jonah: No, I mean, you nailed it. That's exactly what we say.

Wow, how has it been a year already? But also, how has it only been a year?


Glenn: Again, we're only open for curbside pickup today. There won't be any customers in the store, so we get to go nuts! Deep cleaning! Yeah!
Dina: Think about it like it's a storewide cavity search. It's Store 1217's turn to spread its cheeks.

Jonah: Well, why didn't you say anything?
Garrett: Because why bring something up just to make your friend feel bad?

Dina: Look, you're like the old paper coupons. You're kind of a nuisance, but arguably served a purpose, and now you're useless but...
Glenn: But?
Dina: Oh! Carrot Cake Oreos are back. That's fun

Well, I'd rather be a nobody than a couple of Impossible Burgers, 'cause all I'm seeing here is some imitation beef!


Jonah: Okay, fine, but I'm not gonna apologize for caring, okay? You're an important person in my life, Garrett. A lot of men are scared to say things like that, but not me. I'll tell you exactly how much you mean to me to your face.
Garrett: Please don't.

Dina: Effective immediately, there will be no more talk about conspiracy theories.
Jonah: Well, there goes my afternoon.

Now you're listening to Marcus and Sandra? You guys are like the three stooges if Curly was Hawaiian. Well, actually, I don't know for a fact that he wasn't.


Jonah: You remember his fucking credit card number?!
Garrett: It's on the receipt.
Jonah: That... makes sense.

NBC Quotes

Now I know you're telling the truth because no one would ever lie about doing something that heartless.


So now Zoey can manipulate the laws of physics too? This is really incredible.
