Penelope: Everybody relax, I was fine!
Alex: Fine?
Penelope: Yeah!
Alex: I know it's good to save money. But maybe the first time meeting my girlfriend isn't the right time to threaten to burn this mother down.

So listen, I'm sorry I got so upset. But I need you to understand where I'm coming from. Money and I have never had a great relationship.


Alex: I can't believe you embarrassed me in front of Nora like that. For thirteen dollars, and a brownie that the waiter definitely spit on.
Penelope: So what, you want to impress her by making her think you're some big shot who doesn't care about money?
Alex: No, I want to impress her by making her think I don't have a crazy mother.

Leslie: Let me just clear up some things. I am Dr. Leslie Berkowitz. Penelope's boss, and also I'm Lydia's exclusive, non-sexual, platonic companion.
Brian: What does that mean?
Leslie: I don't know.

Alex: Why don't you do a trial run? Like, you go to the bathroom, and Syd, you try not to file a missing persons' report.
Elena: Haha. We can be apart, Alex.
Syd: And they make you wait twenty-four hours.

Alex: Listen, Mom, you're a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man.
Penelope: Yup, got it, I agree. But it's okay for me to admit that I can still be a feminist badass and want a boyfriend.

Syd: But no high school couples make it through college. Are we just fooling ourselves? We don't wanna be those people.
Elena: You know what? Screw it. Let's be those people.

Elena: How do you do it?
Penelope: Do what, honey?
Elena: Be alone, go through life without a partner who cares about you.
Penelope: Okay, well that's one way of putting it. Actually, I've been talking about this in therapy, and I love being alone, it's the best. And we're strong women who don't need a partner to define us.

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Leslie: Let me just clear up some things. I am Dr. Leslie Berkowitz. Penelope's boss, and also I'm Lydia's exclusive, non-sexual, platonic companion.
Brian: What does that mean?
Leslie: I don't know.

Elena: How do you do it?
Penelope: Do what, honey?
Elena: Be alone, go through life without a partner who cares about you.
Penelope: Okay, well that's one way of putting it. Actually, I've been talking about this in therapy, and I love being alone, it's the best. And we're strong women who don't need a partner to define us.