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No! Get off me! There’s nothing to explain! Get the hell away from me! Both of you!

Madison: I don’t get it. Why didn’t you want us to see her? Because of the stadium?

Luciana: You haven’t told her?

Madison: Told me what?

Daniel: I thought Charlie was dead. I didn’t think there was a reason to. Madison: Reason to what?

Luciana: Let me tell you on the boat.

Madison: What the hell is going on?

Luciana: It’s complicated.

Madison: No. It’s not.

Charlie: I… I shot Nick. I killed your son.

Madison: What?

Charlie: I was scared, and Ennis was dead, and I… I pulled the trigger. I’m so sorry, Madison. I really am.

Daniel: Come on, Charlie. Go, go! Get her inside! Come on. Don’t do something you’re gonna regret.

Madison: Who said I’ll regret it?!

Luciana: Let us explain.

Madison: No! Get off me! There’s nothing to explain! Get the hell away from me! Both of you!