Guys these days have so many emotions. They cry, they want to be held. I just don't know what to do with them.


We got work to do.


I meant what I said at the church. You're capable of anything, Sam. And hell if you didn't prove me right.


There is a war on, and it's on you. There's thousands of them out there. You said you lost your Grace. That means you're human. That means you bleed and you read and you sleep and all the things you never had to worry about before.


Sam: So what, I just die?
Bobby: Just die? All the good you've done. All the people you've saved. You've saved the world. How many people can say that? ... what you call dying, I call leaving a legacy.

Morgan: Rumour has it you're in charge. In fact, you're still known as "The General"
Dawson: Some folks would like to imbue me with a great deal of power but it's a mantle I choose not to accept.
JJ: So you could call the shots, you just choose not to?
Dawson: How can I lead when I no longer believe?

Mr. Dawson, I can't tell you how impressed I am with you. So I'd like to shake your hand, and congratulate you for making such a positive change in your life. I'd be really careful, because somebody might think you still believe.


JJ: Who else uses a .308 rifle?
Rossi: In Texas? Hunters, the minutemen, housewives - which unfortunately doesn't narrow down the field.

Maya: What are we doing here?
Colin: Waiting for Mr. Doe. He's going to extract us.
Maya: What's his first name?
Colin: John
Maya: John - as in John Doe?
Colin: His name doesn't matter.
Maya: Do you trust him?
Colin: In my line of work, I don't trust anyone.

Maya: I thought you said this place was safe.
Colin: It is. But the people coming after us are the best.

Reid: It's too bad all those emails and texts are gone forever.
JJ: I'm sorry. Have you ever met Penelope Garcia?

Maya: Colin? Someone's out there.
Colin: They found us.