Leonard: They weren't boobies. They were muscles. And, the make-up was green, I was pretending to be the Hulk.
Penny: You were wearing her bra.
Leonard: That was to keep my muscles from sagging!

Raj: Wait. How can anyone ruin Raiders? It's perfect.
Sheldon: Yeah, except for the fact that Indiana Jones is completely irrelevant to the story. With or without him the Nazi's find the ark, open it and die.

Honey listen, I know your mom's got boobs and that's very, very awesome. But I'm here for you too, and it's important to me that you know that. I'm always gonna be here for you, OK? You and me. Will you take this bottle? Please, please, please. Yeah! That's a girl! Good job honey.


Penny: Not even the chapter on the breast feeding crisis?
Leonard: It was not a crisis. Apparently, I favored the left one, she got a little lopsided.
Penny: Oh, my God, you still go left!

Penny: Oh, come on. Why? How bad could it be?
Leonard: There-there's chapters about potty training, bed wetting and masturbation. Basically, if something came out of me, she wrote about it!

The Disappointing Child by Beverly Hofstadter.


Cristina: You're a shark.
Shane: I'm not, I swear.
Cristina: Ross, it's a good thing. All great surgeons are sharks. You see what you want. Do whatever it takes to get it like me. Don't ever apologize. Sharks never apologize.

Meredith: You pulled a sleeping baby out of daycare to do your dirty work. You're disgusting!
Derek: He's got his mother's sparkle.

Prison's changed you.


I'm bulletproof.



It's like when we were interns. This is so much fun! Stealing surgeries, playing dirty...


Amy: ... if he weren't in the movie, the Nazis would have still found the ark, taken it to the island, opened it up and all died ... just like they did.
Sheldon: [jaw dropped]
Amy: Let me close that for you.