Julian: Ah come on Edward, the coughing, sweating, you're short of breath. If I didn't know better I'd say you were suffering from a serious medical condition. What is the number one killer of men? Oh yes, heart disease. After angels of course.
Riesen: Been a long time since I killed an angel. The more you talk, the more I miss it.
Julian: Well, I'm only part angel remember? Part of me is just like you Edward, but unlike you I'm not gonna die.

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Dominion Season 2 Episode 5: "Son of the Fallen"
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Dominion Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Arika: Now, where were we?
David: You have to get me out of here. Tell Claire I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get back to Whele tower.
Arika: David you slept with an 8-ball.
David: We both know that's bullshit. Claire just has to release a statement exonerating...
Arika: David shut up. Tell me about Zoe. The crate, what's inside?
David: C-4, maybe a few hundred pounds. They stole a truck this morning. Plan is to blow up Caesars Palace and Claire with it.

Alex: Well, a lot happened while you were away. Noma and I survived the aerie. Made it all the way to New Delphi. Hell, we even captured a Dyad.
Michael: A Dyad?
Alex: Yeah, Julian.
Michael: Alex, a Dyad is far stronger than any 8-ball. Julian will want the markings for himself. Please you must come with us.
Alex: Who's us?
Michael: Gabriel.
Alex: You came here with Gabriel?