Dominion Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Son of the Fallen

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Things are finally getting interesting in Vega. Civil War started with a bang!

I tend to be more invested in Alex's story and what's going on with the archangel brothers. However, David Whele made some big moves on Dominion Season 2 Episode 5. Characters like David and Arika are fun because you're not quite sure what they'll do next.

It's safe to say both character's motives became clear and Alex goofed big time.

The archangels entered New Delphi rather easily killing 8-balls left and right. Well, Gabe did most of the killing. What happened to the army he needed in order to invade? Guess if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.

When Julian mentioned his "inner sanctum," I was instantly curious to see what weapons it contained that could stop Gabriel. Of course being a Dyad, Julian would be privy to such knowledge. We mere mortals will have to wait until the next installment. Learning a bit more about Dyad's was fascinating though, they're a clever creation. I never saw Julian's offer to Riesen coming, did you?

Alex and Michael's reunion was brief yet emotional, mostly thanks to the flashbacks. Was that the first time the two met or simply the first encounter Alex can remember? Either way, this tenderhearted Michael feels more like the guy I remember from the film Legion. Last season the archangel seemed distant and cold, ultimately turning on humans. I love the way Tom Wisdom is playing Michael this season with such emotion. There's no doubt the visit to Mallory did the character some good. Let's get back there.

Michael always seemed to talk at Alex, but this was a two way conversation.

Alex: Well, a lot happened while you were away. Noma and I survived the aerie. Made it all the way to New Delphi. Hell, we even captured a Dyad.
Michael: A Dyad?
Alex: Yeah, Julian.
Michael: Alex, a Dyad is far stronger than any 8-ball. Julian will want the markings for himself. Please you must come with us.
Alex: Who's us?
Michael: Gabriel.
Alex: You came here with Gabriel?

You can't blame the Chosen One for not going along with Michael's plan. Still, it was pretty obvious he was making a massive mistake. We've yet to discover how dangerous Julian is, but Lyrae was bad news. I'm betting we'll witness some archangel torture soon.

Back in Vega, Claire and Gates were giving each other googly eyes. Will that stop now that he knows she's pregnant? Boy was Arika pissed too. The scene made me wonder if Helena's queen will turn on Vega. While I've never been sure about her allegiances, it seemed Arika was working alongside Claire. Yeah not so much, we now know she wants Vega.

Though Riesen rejected Julian's offer of becoming a Dyad, he did seem to consider it for a moment. I mean, immortality is always a temptation. Then he got his ass kicked. Leaving a weak old man babysitting the Dyad was not a good plan. I wonder if the offer will come up again?

Speaking of bad ideas, can you believe Zoe made David her emissary? It did give us a chance to see him and Arika go at it and it paid off nicely in the end. Still, it was a risky move.

Arika: Now, where were we?
David: You have to get me out of here. Tell Claire I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get back to Whele tower.
Arika: David you slept with an 8-ball.
David: We both know that's bullshit. Claire just has to release a statement exonerating...
Arika: David shut up. Tell me about Zoe. The crate, what's inside?
David: C-4, maybe a few hundred pounds. They stole a truck this morning. Plan is to blow up Caesars Palace and Claire with it.

Clearly David was going to betray the rebels, but I wasn't expecting him to follow through with the bombing. He didn't take down Caesars Palace, but boy did he cause some damage. I bet Claire regrets demoting him to V1 rather than putting a bullet in his brain.

Julian's words could not be more true. Despite everything, Michael would never kill his brother. I'm glad he had no problem wounding him. The way Julian sold it, I don't think Alex had much of a choice. I'd have drunk the Kool-Aid too. Michael is Gabriel's weakness, there was little doubt of that.

The rooftop flashback was probably my favorite scene. Until this installment, we never really had a sense of how close Michael and Alex were. I hope we have more of these flashbacks, because they help flesh out this extremely important relationship. Then we're shown the caduceus and understand he's leading Michael into a trap. The flashback made Alex's betrayal that much worse.

Alex: I meant what I said. I forgive you Michael, please forgive me. Noma get out of here. Guards stand down.
Noma: What are you doing?
Alex: Twenty five years, six billion people dead it has to stop. Julian's right if we imprison Michael, Gabriel will come. This is my chance, Nomes I gotta do this.
Michael: Alex no!
Noma: You saw what the Dyad did to Pete. Are you really gonna trust him?
Alex: No! But I have enemies to defeat, from the biggest to the smallest and they don't get any bigger than Gabriel.

Then the big guy himself showed up. "He's tearing this family apart" Gabriel told Michael. Obviously Gabe wasn't going to kill Alex, but his capture was the real highlight. The archangel put up some fight eh? Lyrae made his true identity known and Alex realized he'd been used. Hey, at least he and Michael can move forward from this point right?

David made his move and swiped the truck with the C-4, only he had a change of heart. Now you've got yourself a revolution Zoe and it took David Whele to kickstart it. Claire is going to have some tough decisions to make, but Whele's got to go.

Anyone figure out who the "Son of the Fallen" is? Did you expect Alex to betray Michael? Will the Chosen One help save Gabriel? Are you glad Arika's motives are now clear? Did David's move shock you? You're up guys, sound off in the comments below.

Want to relive that attack on New Delphi again? You can watch Dominion online anytime via TV Fanatic.

NOTE: Dominion Season 2 Episode 6 is titled “Reap of the Whirlwind” and airs on Thursday, August 13.

Son of the Fallen Review

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Dominion Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Arika: Now, where were we?
David: You have to get me out of here. Tell Claire I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get back to Whele tower.
Arika: David you slept with an 8-ball.
David: We both know that's bullshit. Claire just has to release a statement exonerating...
Arika: David shut up. Tell me about Zoe. The crate, what's inside?
David: C-4, maybe a few hundred pounds. They stole a truck this morning. Plan is to blow up Caesars Palace and Claire with it.

Alex: Well, a lot happened while you were away. Noma and I survived the aerie. Made it all the way to New Delphi. Hell, we even captured a Dyad.
Michael: A Dyad?
Alex: Yeah, Julian.
Michael: Alex, a Dyad is far stronger than any 8-ball. Julian will want the markings for himself. Please you must come with us.
Alex: Who's us?
Michael: Gabriel.
Alex: You came here with Gabriel?