Mr. Cole is just a memory now, as the past was intended to be. This morning, yesterday or thirty years; it's all just a million firing neurons given meaning by the human mind.


Cassie: Cole, there's someone here to see you.
Cole: Huh?
Matthew: James?
Cole: Dad?

Jones: How'd you meet him?
Cassie: I told you. They found a recording that I make and the future you sent him here to find me.
Jones: And you believed his story?
Cassie: No, he brought my watch with him from the future and he broke time.
Jones: The same watch from his time?
Cassie: Yes.
Jones: That's profoundly risky.
Cassie: I know, it caused a paradox. It almost killed us.
Jones: Yeah, mother nature doesn't like it if you rearrange the furniture.
Cassie: Right.
Jones: That must have been extraordinary to see; matter coming in contact with itself.

Cassie: Katerina Jones?
Jones: Do I know you?
Cassie: My name is Dr. Cassandra Railly. I need your help. We have a mutual friend who is very sick, maybe dying.
Jones: Who?
Cassie: Cole, James Cole.
Jones: You are probably looking for my mother. I am not this kind of a doctor, I'm a physicist.
Cassie: Please listen to me, we need to talk.
Jones: Maybe you call my office in the morning.
Cassie: There is no time. If you don't help me Cole will die, and I won't let that happen.

The cycle must happen exactly as it has. Otherwise, the traveler would have never come.

The Striking Woman

The Pallid Man: Your father was right.
The Striking Woman: Yes, he has come.

Cole: Of course, this is where you get the virus.
Leland: Virus? There's a virus in that thing?
Cole: Yeah and you're going to help me destroy it.

James, we're out of time. 1987 is the endgame. You must find the source of the plague and you must eliminate it.


There's only one who truly knows. Sees. Did see. Will see. The witness.


Wait, there's something you need to know. Today something happens that will change things for you. Not everything is preordained, no matter how it may seem. They say things happen for a reason. That is a lie. Death can be both cause and effect. That's how it works. No straight lines. You're ready, it's time to go.


If Peters is recreating M-510 for the 12 Monkeys, he'll need animals to test it on. The CDC can get a list of suppliers and then I'll be able to track him down. Just like the Big Burn, and the Night Room. And Splinter, apocalypse; rinse/repeat.


Cole: The virus is still out there. The 12 Monkeys got their hands on it somehow.
Cassie: We destroyed M-510 in Chechnya, we burned it; all of it.
Aaron: The CIA has satellite photos that prove that.
Cassie: The Night Room is destroyed. The remains, the Origin, is gone. Leland is dead.
Cole: We missed something.
Aaron: We? No you. You missed something. How is this still happening?
Cassie: Because it was never just Leland. It was Oliver Peters. He was at the CIA during operation TROY. He gave them the virus.
Cole: We need to find him.

12 Monkeys Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
