Cassie: James, I don't want to be alone when I...
Cole: You're not alone, I'm right here with you.
Cassie: James?
Cole: Yeah?
Cassie: You're going to find the answers you're looking for; keep going.
Cole: I don't know if I can.
Cassie: You can, you will.
Cole: No matter what I do, you always die.
Cassie: See you soon.

Cole: What the hell is that thing?
Jones: That is our salvation. The virus is not yet done with us Mr. Cole. It will mutate again and again until not even the immune are left standing. There's only one way to end it, and you are the key. I want to send you back to stop the plague before it ever happens.
Cole: That's immpossible.
Jones: Nothing is impossible. Difficult, yes, dangerous; not impossible. But there will be a price. If we are to reset time, all this before you will vanish. This world will cease to exist. This dark time must be sacrificed to restore a brighter one. We've no other choice, and if all this disappears so too shall we. You and I, we will start anew.

Jones: Do you remember the first year underground? No windows, no sunshine; I lost all sense of time. I felt as though I was choking.
Foster: It was a coffin.
Jones: Yes exactly, and we would sneak upstairs and look at the stars. Casiopea, Andromeda; whole constellations untouched by disease, oblivious to our suffering. And I told Hannah no matter what will happen to us, the stars will remain and I promised her...
Foster: Yet, do thy worst old Time: despite thy wrong.
Jones: My love shall in my verse ever live young.
Foster: Shakespeare; you see Kat it's not gone, it doesn't die. Those days we spent trapped underground surrounded by all those books. Human beings gone, but their voices were still with us; thriving. We had hope, they were better times.

We daughters shall make from twelve what man could not. Yes, an army.


Cole: The soldier you sent, how did you know where I was?
Cassie: You told me. You don't remember because you haven't done it yet.
Cole: I see you again?
Cassie: Yes. It's been two years since we bombed the compound. A lot has happened since then, with you and me.
Cole: Tell me, I need to know everything. How did they get the virus? The witness? Cass...

Jones: Jonathan, let me show you the machine and then you will see...
Foster: Seeing a machine is not going to make me believe in blasphemy.
Jones: Time has not changed you.
Foster: Go home Kat, consider my offer, but don't ask again for my Core.
Jones: I am not here to ask. I will have your Core. The only thing undecided is, whether you will give it to me or if I must take it.

Foster lied, why? Because it gives his people hope, just as it gave you. So that his obsession to find a cure, his work, can continue.


Ramse: He's a good kid.
Elena: Yeah I think so.
Ramse: He's handsome, like his dad.
Elena: Well I hope he gets your modesty too.
Ramse: He's got your eyes.
Elena: Yeah?
Ramse: Yeah, and your smile. He's gonna break a lot of hearts.

Jones: Our core has been exhausted. We have a man, a traveler, who would be lost in time if we don't have your core to bring him back.
Colonel Foster: What part of him did you want to bring back; an arm, a leg, torso? I've heard about your little temporal mishaps dear.
Jones: I've perfected the process.
Colonel Foster: Perfected? And yet here we all are.

Colonel Foster: Katerina, welcome home.
Jones: Where shall we talk? Your office?
Colonel Foster: I think over dinner would be more appropriate. I'd like to welcome all our guests.
Jones: Charming, but I'm hardly a guest here; and certainly not welcome.
Colonel Foster: Indulge me.

Colonel Foster: Sergeant Whitley, been a long time son. what brings you home?
Whitley: We need your help.
Colonel Foster: Is that so? What did she do now? Please tell me that she isn't still grinding scavengers into that machine.
Ramse: Project Splinter; it worked.
Colonel Foster: Katerina sent someone back in time?
Whitley: She did.
Colonel Foster: Well then, how are we still having this conversation; now?

Lasky: We've blown the stabilizer.
Ramse: Lasky you better fix this quick.
Jones: It can't be repaired. The only way to stabilize the core is replace the manifold. Mr. Whitley, there's only one place we can find one.
Whitley: You're not serious.
Jones: What choice do we have? We don't fix the core, mission is over.

12 Monkeys Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
