Death is like, everything. It's a time clock that makes us better. Makes us love harder. I don't know, I think it's like maybe what makes us human.


Kyle: You were meant to protect me.
Cole: Only from a paradox.
Kyle: I'm the immortal. I'm not supposed to die.
Cole: Everybody dies.

The Witness wants to be immortal. In his timeless forest. But can you imagine destroying time itself, so everything that's left is living and dying in the same moment? An eternal... now.


The Witness is destroying people like me. The ones that keep time from falling in on itself.


Ramse: Cole our mission is to protect the Primary. What are you doing?
Cole: Kyle, you take me to him?
Kyle: Box River Avenue. I can show you.
Ramse: Hold on.
Cole: Hold on. It's the Witness. The guy behind the apocalypse. The anomalies. If he's here, we have to find him.

We need to find the next Primary. Stop the Messengers from destroying them.


Aaron: It's beautiful. A place where time no longer exists. A place where you can be with the one you love forever. What could be more important than that?
Cassie: No. No, it can't be that way.
Aaron: It's the only way. Don't you understand? The red forest is the only way to beat death.

Cassie: How long have you been drawing these?
Jennifer: My whole life. Started with stick figures. Got better as I got older. My mother hated them. My disturbing images disturbed her already disturbed mind.
Cassie: Your mother was mentally ill?
Jennifer: Not primary, just sick.

Pallid Man: Trust me with the cycle. Put me in charge and I will see this done.
The Witness: Yes. It is your birthright.
Pallid Man: The Witness has spoken.

You have no idea how exhausting it is being crazy.


Cassie: If the meds are preventing you from seeing primaries, taking you off of them might bring back the visions.
Jennifer: You know that's not how it works, right? Hallucinations don't come with an on/off switch. You sure you're a real doctor?
Cassie: You're right, we need a trigger.

Cole: We don't know how to find the others. We're running out of time.
Jennifer: Well, you need a guide. Another primary.
Cole: Like you?
Jennifer: Not this me. I'm not a spring chicken anymore. Can't see them like I used to in my head. It happens as we age. The voices fade.
Cole: What about the you from 2016?
Jennifer: Now she's got the touch. She's got the power!

12 Monkeys Season 2 Quotes

Help me stop those men and I'll go back, get you medicine.


Ramse: You know they're never gonna stop, right? Witness knows the future. They're always gonna be a step ahead. You wanna be running your whole life?
Cole: It's not about running. Cassie's gone. Maybe she made it to the future, maybe not. It's up to me now to stop the virus.