Carlos: Thank you for saving my life
T.K.: Oh, baby, you saved your own life. I was just holding onto it for a while.
Carlos: It's yours.

O'Brien: You actually showed up.
Owen: Of course.
O'Brien: That was dumb.

Iris: You don't believe me either.
Carlos: Of course I do. I really think you believe everything you said, Iris.
Iris: In the tiny world inside my head full of oompah loompahs.That's the worst part of mental illness. It doesn't matter if you get better; it's all anyone ever sees when they look at you.

Owen: So you're in there looking for evidence of a crime.
O'Brien: No, I'm in there looking for my nephew.

TK: You think it's my fault.
Carlos: I didn't say that.
TK: Yeah, but you're thinking it.
Carlos: You should've given her time, TK. We weren't supposed to push, remember? I know she would've come around on her own. You didn't have to go and badger her.
TK: I know. But she was fine.
Carlos: She's not fine!

Tommy: I'm having sex dreams about my pastor. What were you talking about?
Owen: It's not that, but I'm flattered.
Tommy: you weren't in the dream.
Owen: No, not that. That you chose to share it with me.

TK: Maybe this marriage is a bad idea.
Carlos: OK, that surprised me. Hey, what's going on?
TK: Do you see me as a project?
Carlos: A project?
TK: Like something that needs fixing, like a bird with a broken wing or a tragic case that needs fixing.
Carlos: No, what are you talking about?

TK: Being a paramedic at the 126 comes with plenty of danger.
Carlos: The paramedic TK replaced in the field, got killed.
Iris: That's so sad.
TK: By a lava bomb.
Iris: That's cool but still sad.
TK: And last year, during the blizzard, I was rescuing a kid trapped under the ice, and I got really bad hypothermia, ended up in a coma, and almost died.
Iris: I thought you were shot.
TK: That was the other coma.
Iris: How many comas have you been in?
TK: Oh, just the three, but only two since I've been in Texas.

Grace: Something compelled you to give him your phone number.
Tommy: It wasn't the Holy Spirit.

Rose: Capt, these men you've been associating with, the Honor Dogs, what do you know about them?
Owen: See, I think the phrase "associating with" is misleading. I've ridden with these guys a couple of times. As far as I can tell, they're motorcycle enthusiasts who like to brand each other from time to time, so I don't know much.
Rose: The Honor Dogs are a group of fringe separatists whose stated goal is the return of the state of Texas to its founding fathers.
Owen: The Mexicans?
Rose: They skipped right to the Alamo part.
Owen: But they know how it ended right?

TK: Look, Iris, Carlos loves you, and he cares about you, but he can't stay married to you. First of all, he's gay, and he's mine.
Iris: Oh, I know.

TK: So you're married.
Carlos: In name only.
TK: To a woman.
Carlos: Back then, that was the only way you could do it.

9-1-1: Lone Star Quotes

Owen: Well, I'm flattered, but if you're gonna put diversity first, shouldn't you hire somebody who's, you know, diverse?
Radford: We need somebody like you. We need somebody who truly understands how much rebuilding this house is gonna heal the community.

Doctor: You were at Ground Zero when the buildings came down, yes?
Owen: [nods] Yeah.
Doctor: Then I don't have to tell you by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, more survivors who were there that day and during the cleanup will get sick or die than people killed on 9/11 itself.
Owen: This is going to kill me, isn't it?