Owen: I'm not lonely; I'm just bored.
Judd: You're bored? So you're telling me that you ain't living your best life?
Owen: No. My best life is when I have dragons to slay.

Grace: What's wrong?
Tommy: I made a pass at my pastor.

TK: If she was your best friend, then how come I never met her? Is she still in Texas?
Carlos: As far as I know, yeah. You remember Captain Blake?
TK: Michelle? Wait, Michelle Blake is your wife?
Carlos: Michelle is my sister-in-law. I'm married to Iris.

Marjan: You bought a crotch rocket, Cap?
Owen: This isn't a crotch rocket; this is a classic cruising bike.

TK: So you're married.
Carlos: In name only.
TK: To a woman.
Carlos: Back then, that was the only way you could do it.

TK: You married a woman?
Carlos: I married my best friend.
TK: And did she know you were gay?
Carlos: She knew everything about me; we loved each other. And we tried to convince ourselves we could make it work, but we were wrong.

TK: Marry me.
Carlos: TK...
TK: Baby I'm serious.
Carlos: TK, we've had a pretty traumatic week.
TK: It's not trauma, it's love.

TK: I can't do it again, dad.
Owen: I'm pretty sure I would be doing it again.
TK: No, I mean, I can't lose another parent.

TK: How do you feel, dad?
Owen: Like a building fell on me.

Gwyn: You can't save everyone.
Owen: I wish I could've saved you.

I don't want to be an emergency you have to respond to. My brother's shoes are a perfect fit, but I am not man enough to walk in them.


Tommy: I've been thinking a lot about you, Julius.
Julius: You haven't left my thoughts at all.
Tommy: I know there are a lot of complicated thoughts around what we did, but I don't regret it.

9-1-1: Lone Star Quotes

Owen: Well, I'm flattered, but if you're gonna put diversity first, shouldn't you hire somebody who's, you know, diverse?
Radford: We need somebody like you. We need somebody who truly understands how much rebuilding this house is gonna heal the community.

Doctor: You were at Ground Zero when the buildings came down, yes?
Owen: [nods] Yeah.
Doctor: Then I don't have to tell you by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, more survivors who were there that day and during the cleanup will get sick or die than people killed on 9/11 itself.
Owen: This is going to kill me, isn't it?